Sandplay Therapy and Symbol Work
About Sandplay Therapy
Sandplay is a powerful nonverbal, symbolic and sensory form of therapy that gives clients both children and adults) the opportunity to portray their feelings, experiences and internal states, that are often difficult to express in words. It is an un-directed and creative process that helps to explore unconscious experiences in the psyche that are blocked or that need to be released or healed. This could include blocked feelings, unresolved conflicts, negative beliefs about self, emotions and unfulfilled needs.
In sandplay therapy, the client uses sand, water and symbols to create images in the sandtray. The symbols help to create an opportunity to see hidden elements in our day to day experience.A series of images created in the sandtray (over time) facilitate an ongoing dialogue between the conscious and unconscious aspects of the clients psyche, activating a healing process over time.
The Sandplay Process
The process begins at the beginning of the session. At times, you may have a specific issue in mind that you would like to explore or the subject may be unknown and you would like to just see what comes out in the tray.
Make contact with the sand- this could include putting your fingers in the sand, moving the sand around, just placing your hands on top of the sand or creating landforms. There is no Right or Wrong- the process is about following your intuition and what feels right. Forming the sand helps shift from cognitive and verbal to kinaesthetic and nonverbal experience.
Choose symbols to be placed in the sand- this could include symbols that you are drawn to, others that need to be in the sand or others that you dislike. The picture does not need to make sense. This is about trusting the process and what arises. You may choose to leave symbols on the top of the sand, bury some symbols or move some symbols around. The play element of sandplay is important and creates freedom to create anything you wish to create.
Time and structure- the sandplay process takes as long as it takes and can take on whichever form you as the client would like. At times, clients verbalise what it feels like to create in the tray. On other occasions, the process is completed in silence with the clinician watching on and observing your sandplay process without making comments, statements or reflections or of asking questions. This allows for the sandtray to unfold and unfold the way you would like it to without interruption or re-direction. You may wish to listen to music as this occurs.
Making an Appointment
Referral to Vibe Psychology can happen in a number of ways:
Referral from GP under Mental Health Care plan, which means you get access to a rebate under Medicare. You need to have been given a referral to Vibe Psychology before your first appointment.
Private referral, which means you pay the full amount for sessions.
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