Family Constellations

About Family Constellations

Family Constellation is a powerful and solution-oriented method that helps recognise difficult unconscious patterns and entanglements within your own family of origin. It also allows you to be the observer of your own system and from this perspective, allowing the opportunity to view behaviour, life challenges and difficult experiences within the larger family system and your part in the dynamics. This brings the unconscious and hidden to light and with this new choices and actions can create different outcomes and different ways of being.

Family Constellation allows the person to have both experiences- a felt experience of their issue they have come to address and an observer perspective of dynamics and can also have a profound affect and can support the healing of other group members who identify similar dynamics in their lives.

The Family Constellations Process

An individual client has an issue in mind, and then he or she will be invited to choose participants from the group to represent family members, positioning them spatially and energetically in a way that seems right, considering the family dynamics. This represents their internal map of their family system and the dynamics. When working with health issues or abstract concepts, the client might also choose someone to represent the symptom. In a one to one session, representative of the family system can be symbols, place mats or pillows.

Within a very short period of time – the representatives are able to tune in, as though they have become antennae, and experience physical sensations, emotions or urges of those they are representing. This is a phenomenon in constellations referred to as the ‘knowing field’. It receives information from a ‘family soul’ or collective consciousness. Through the facilitators questions, observations, statements and repositioning, the client comes to see the situation in a new way, creating a picture for resolution that enables him or her to break identification with the ancestor‘s difficult fate as their own.

Making an Appointment

Referral to Vibe Psychology can happen in a number of ways:

Referral from GP under Mental Health Care plan, which means you get access to a rebate under Medicare. You need to have been given a referral to Vibe Psychology before your first appointment.

Private referral, which means you pay the full amount for sessions.

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